28 Apr Platinum Jubilee Pageant Album Her Majesty The Queen
Her Majesty The Queen Official Platinum Jubilee Pageant Album
Avant Garden is so proud to be a supporter of Her Majesty The Queen. The official Platinum Jubilee Pageant Album celebrating the amazing 70 years on the throne.
Being part of this unequalled achievement is a complete honour which the extent of which has not truly sunk in yet. To have my photograph and profile included in such an iconic album is such a privilege. To know that this special hard back official album will reach all parts of the world is beyond comprehension. Realising that I am included in something that will be treasured in peoples homes for generations is more that I had ever considered. This very special album will feature people from around the Commonwealth. And is being gifted to all members of the Houses of Parliament, House of Lords and throughout the EU’s Parliament. This is without doubt the most exciting thing to ever have happened to me.
To view the Men & Women Bronze Collection
And the Chinese Limestone Pedestals & Bronze Plinths
For viewing the Bronze Ballerinas
If you would like to view The Bronze Boys & Girls
For the Bronze Modern & Abstract or the Bronze Fountains & Water Features
If you wish to view the Bronze Animal Sculptures or the Bronze Bird Sculptures
To view the Bronze Armillary Sphere Sundials
Click here to view Bronze Cremation Memorial Urns
Click here for the latest delivery times to Mainland UK since Brexit.
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